For fourteen years Shuckle's Corn Maze has twisted and turned the minds of people everywhere as they have hunted their way through a forest of corn. This year will be more fun than ever as Mr. & Mrs. Shuckles have once again created a maze that will make you stop and go "HUH?". Enjoy the aMAZEing 8 acre Shuckle's Corn Maze at Fiddle Dee Farms.
Come See Us For Season #14

Eight acres of twists and turns. Eight acres of surprises. Eight acres of "which way do I go" decisions. For those of you totally confused, we've given you clues. Let's see how long it takes for you to go free. There's nothing more challenging and fun than a trip through the corn. Don't worry, our corn maze is family-friendly and not a bit scarey so please don't try and spook your friends either. Admission into the maze is included in General Admission. Go through Fiddlesticks Hollow's Forest, over the bridge and up the path to get to the maze.

Lights go out at dark, so bring your flashlight or buy one from us and enjoy the extra challenge of doing the maze in the dark! There's nothing like being guided by the moon's light. The latest maze entry time is 1 hour before closing each night. Remember, because it is dark, expect to spend a little extra time finding your way through the maze.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises.
Stay on the paths ONLY.
Do not cut through the rows of corn. If you are caught destroying the maze in any way, you will be escorted off the premises.
No running.
No children under 12 allowed in the maze without adult supervision. All unaccompanied children will be walked out of the corn maze to wait for their chaperones.
Be careful when you are walking through the maze. The ground is rough and uneven. We are not responsible for personal injury.
For everyone's safety, all visitors must stay within any designated roped-off areas.
No bare feet and no open-toed shoes are allowed, due to rough terrain, stones, etc.
Everyone must exit the corn maze by closing time.